When my grandpa died last summer I went into yarn thereapy mode and obsessed about Shibui's Staccato yarn in 50s Kitchen. Three skeins seemed enough to make a pair of socks. But after I started the knee-high button-up sock pattern (also from Shibui), there suddenly appeared to be a shortage of yarn in the yarn bag. So the wonderful ladies at Knit Purl in Portland let me buy it online and I'm off to pick it up this weekend. The socks are going to be amazing! Not only is this yarn divine and in a wonderful color scheme (wool and silk, so soft!), the stockings are going to be quite eye catching. They may be a bit too warm by the time they are done but I can knit like a maniac and the weather hasn't gotton much warmer here. The buttons will only go down a little ways on the thigh, which will hopefully help hold the stockings up. Unfortunately there looks to be some frogging in my future because the fit is very loose aroung the knee so far. Now that I know I won't be stuck with just three skiens I might fudge with the pattern a bit to get a nice legging fit. These are going to be so fun when they are done!!
Happy Knitting!
Cerise : )

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