One of the best sewing inventions is straight pins with the little colorful balls on the top. I can’t function with the old flathead silver pins. Last winter I made curtains. Cerise looked up after I hung them and pointed out a pin sticking out of a seam, pointy end out. We had to cut it with wire cutters and push it in to live forever in the curtain’s lining. I went and bought some more colorful pins the next day and tossed my old pins. Recently I started using longer, sharper quilter pins. They are VERY sharp. Except for the occasional stabbing, I love them. Just keep a few bandages near your pincushion.
Here is a interesting website on buttonhole stitches: http://www.ushist.com/general-information/stitch.htm . I am so glad I learned how to use my buttonhole attachment (Thank you Cerise!)
Theresa, OmMama
I can not go one entire project without stabbing myself with a quilting pin at least 10-20 times. Despite that they make sewing a whole lot easier.
I draw a lot of blood with those wonderful quilt pins!
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