Sunday, August 31, 2008


Here is my Singer Featherweight sewing machine. My mother got it for a wedding present and now I have it. She never sewed much, mostly curtains . I love this machine. It is small, lightweight (duh, the name) and very portable. Once my cord frayed and I had to jury rig a new plug on it. I love electrical tape. The first thing I made on this machine was an apron in 4-H. I used it a lot until high school when I made a very ugly, lopsided mint-green formal halter dress. I got a white ribbon (the lowest you can get!) at the fair. I never wore the dress.

Many years later I pulled it back out and made pajamas and a robe for Cerise. It didn't get much use until she used it a lot in high school. One of her first projects was a beautiful prom dress for a friend. I was jealous. My machine was glowing, as if to say, "see what I am capable of..." When Cerise wanted my machine I became possessive. Instead we found her a nice one on Ebay. Suddenly we were a team, making curtains and cushions and pillows. and she created a menagerie of animals. I sew yoga mat bags like a mad woman. We love our machines. Theresa, OmMama

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The problem with crafting, sewing, painting and creating is the sun. Don't get me wrong, I love sunshine. But take today. The sun was shining, summer squash, beans and cucumbers were calling and my friend loaned me her food dehydrator. So today I spent all day in the garden. No time to sew. I look forward to rainy days when there is no reason to go outside, go to the beach or walk in the forest so that I can sew or paint. Yet tonight's dinner was all from our garden and I have dried mango and apples to eat when it rains.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I finally got a flickr account and have uploaded a lot of plushie pics from my Etsy site. They have a very cool photo editing option that is a bit more user-friendly than Photo Shop but still time consuming when you have a lot of photos! Check out the cute plushies I have up on flickr. I will be posting some jewelry from my other site some other time.
Happy crafting!
cerise : )